Saints- Definition: People who help you move.

If you’re here from BuzzFeed, hello!

They snagged that picture from this just normal, every-day post here on the blog. If you’re looking for something particularly funny or thought provoking, head over to the Best of TOTE. Or, get to know us better here.

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I have decided that my In-Laws are living saints. Do you want to know why?

They came down for an entire weekend in April to help us paint the inside of the new house. Mind you, the paint before wasn’t peeling or even that old…it was just all yellow. It wasn’t a necessity to paint, just a convenience before we moved in our furniture. (By the way, thanks to everyone who commented on that previous post with color suggestions. We really did appreciate them!)

Bob steamed and scraped this wall for a full day in order to get that stupid line of wall paper off the wall. An entire day of both hands at shoulder height while standing on a ladder…We definitely owe him a massage…or at least a couple more beers.

While he was doing that, Julie was painting walls like a pro. And look at how amazing they turned out!

Mo’s room is just as I pictured it. It reminds me of Disney and Pooh Bear and nature…Pretty much it makes me want to burst into song.

We changed out the yellow in our bedroom for three beige walls and a blue accent wall. Decorations will be mostly beach-inspired, white framed items for a fresh calming feeling. Heck, if I’m feeling crazy, I might just add in a royal purple throw pillow or two! I’m very seriously considering something like this, but with purple tentacles. How cool would that be?

I am happy to say that the TV/Living room is no longer neon green/yellow! After Bob spent all day scraping off that wall paper, we (meaning Julie, Bob and Andy) painted most of the walls the same beige from our bedroom, and the fireplace wall a mocha brown. At a later date (hopefully not that far into the future) the trim and fireplace mantle will be painted white, and to lighten the mocha we plan to decorate with white-framed pictures and mirrors.

And then, as if they hadn’t already done enough, Julie and Bob joined us the following weekend to help us move all our stuff. In fact, they came in the middle of the week to scrub the house from ceiling to floor so that I wouldn’t have to. How amazing is that? Gotta love those guys!

Doesn’t moving look like so much fun? Especially moving a hide-a-bed-couch? Thanks for pretending everyone!

Moving weekend we were blessed to have an abundance of help. Friends and family came from all over to lift heavy items in exchange for pizza, beer and my eternal gratitude. Saints, every single one of them! Some even brought necessary house appliances! Dad fit a washer, dryer and golden retriever in the back of their 4-Runner. Impressive to say the least! We are still flabbergasted by all the love, and I’m sure I’ll be loaning out my husband to help move things for many years to come. Karma, baby.

My job mostly involved watching Mo. Or taking pictures of other people watching Mo. It’s a hard life I lead… Actually, I spent most of my time getting yelled at for trying to lift things. Oops…

Now that we’re in the house, there is still a lot to be done. We’re living in a quasi-unpacked state, which translates into: GIANT MESS.

Here’s a keepin’ it real picture per request from my mother.

But, it’s ok. Honestly, the weather has been so beautiful recently, I don’t regret for one second that Mo and I spend more time outside in our backyard than inside organizing. It’ll all get put away eventually. Probably, knowing my super-organized awesome husband, much sooner than I imagine. Gotta love that guy too.

Side note, the previous owners left some interesting items behind. This includes a creepy large bear statue that would gaze directly into my soul through the kitchen window.

At the very end of our busy moving weekend, Dad and Andy (and Mo of course) turned the bear to face the road. It has now been officially dubbed the “guard bear” by my mother. Honestly, I would be perfectly happy if one morning I woke up and it was gone. I tried to pawn it off on Mom and Dad, but they made some excuse of not enough room in the back of the 4-Runner with the dog. Ha! Like I’m going to believe that!

Mostly I just love this picture. I can imagine Mo yelling all sorts of things, but mostly I think “ROAR! This is my house now and it is AWESOME!” or something along those lines.

I feel the same way Mo. Woohoo!

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4 Responses to Saints- Definition: People who help you move.

  1. Kathy Serafini says:

    The colors are great. Love Mo’s room. It was wonderful seeing your smiling faces Sunday.
    God’s blessings with all four of you.

  2. nik says:

    i love that mo looks like she is roaring in the last pic

  3. Danielle says:

    I would love to see how the beige and blue beach room turned out. it’s exactly what i’m trying to do. my walls look just like yours only i did 2 blue walls and 2 beige walls. i’d love to have beach themed decorations but i’m looking for some inspiration. thanks!

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